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Cleanup with minimal involvement of the organization

An organization faced a critical challenge: cleaning up non-compliant emails and documents with minimum employee impact. Moreover, they required a continuous monitoring and cleanup process to ensure that all new and existing mails and documents complied with their stringent business compliance regulations.

Data & More configured their solution to these needs. Initially, the system conducted an extensive scan of all pertinent data. Following this initial cleanup, the solution made daily scans to monitor new and modified data. This process was governed by the client’s specific rules for handling non-compliant data. As a result, employees were either promptly notified about their data’s compliance status or, following the firm’s compliance mandates, non-compliant data was immediately deleted without involving the employee. This dual approach ensured proactive compliance management and increased employee awareness, seamlessly aligning the firm’s operations with its compliance standards.

Analysis of data breach data on the dark web

A ransomware attack followed by a data leak from an airline industry ended up on the dark web (websites that exist on an encrypted network and cannot be found using traditional search engines), where personal and sensitive data about the airline customers could be bought and mis-used.

Data & More scanned the dark web to identify and very accurately determine who and what information about their customers was leaked. This saved the company money that would have been spent on consultants doing tedious work struggling with the manual task of reading the content. The task was carried out quickly enabling the company to communicate effectively to the relevant customers.

Lack of custodian mapping (responsibilities) on file shares

A leading Danish organization faced a cleanup task in its file drives. Over the years, these drives had become cluttered with millions of files from current and former employees stored across the company’s servers. Furthermore, there was an issue due to the absence of formalized ownership and clear protocols for storing these unstructured data, resulting in essential business data being scattered in various locations and often being forgotten.

In collaboration with the company’s Data Protection Officer (DPO), Data & More launched a comprehensive scan of all the stored content. This meticulous process was not only aimed at inventorying the content and classifying the data involved but also at assessing compliance with GDPR regulations to determine if specific files needed to be deleted. Utilizing the custodian mapping feature in the solution, Data & More and the DPO successfully established a new custodian framework for managing file drive ownership while deleting irrelevant data. This initiative was pivotal in not just cleaning up the existing data but also being able to be in control of any new data. Consequently, the client was not only able to streamline their data storage but also prevent future accumulation of unregulated files.

Accumulation of very sensitive citizen information in a municipality

Throughout the years, the municipality’s reliance on emails when handling cases involving citizens and having in-house email dialogues with colleagues about these cases, resulted in an accumulation of personal information that was neither archived nor managed in compliance with regulations such as the GDPR. This led over many years to a massive build-up of personal and very sensitive data not being handled or deleted according to regulations,

Data & More responded to this challenge by deploying their solution in alignment with the municipality’s IT security team’s requirements. This implementation involved a scanning of all the municipality’s emails. Data & More spearheaded a streamlined process, enabling employees to effortlessly access a summary of their non-compliant emails even dating years back. This initiative empowered them to efficiently address and solve any issues, ensuring better compliance and data management practices.

Getting the attention and support of top management

Larger organizations in the EU must have a Data Processing Officer (DPO) who focuses on data compliance regulation (e.g. GDPR in the EU). One thing is having the title and the role – a completely different thing is getting the needed support and budget to make changes and start complying with the regulations. Many DPOs are frustrated with not having the means to carry out what is expected in their role.

Data & More has helped DPOs by conducting an automatic fact-based scanning of a selected amount of e.g. email accounts or files as one of their services. The scanning gives the DPO a well-documented and fact-based insight into the organization’s compliance with rules for data clean-up and can be used by the DPO to get the management attention and support needed for the journey that will lead to compliance.

Data Breach Analysis

A significant and urgent data breach impacting numerous file servers for a company created a business critical and urgent need for a swift and effective resolution. The company faced a daunting challenge due to the extensive years of accumulated data not knowing exactly what kind of data was in the breach.

To address this, Data & More was promptly engaged. Within 12 hours, a robust setup was established, giving Data & More’s solution access to the compromised servers and the breached data. This setup enabled an efficient and comprehensive scan of the data repositories. As a result of this thorough scanning process, it was possible to precisely identify the data affected by the breach, including the crucial determination of whether any personal or sensitive information had been compromised.

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D&M Toolbox

The Toolbox D&M 2.0 from Data & More allows you automatically to identify and handle non-compliant data across the connected sources.


Who are we

About us

We care about data. Your data – and your company’s data. We have built a toolbox to help handling data the way it should be handled. Automatically.


Video, Support & Contact

Help Desk

Need help? Got any questions? Get in touch with our great support staff. If you have any problems or questions, please ask us or send us an e-mail.

Scan and monitor multiple data sources

We scan many different data sources both in cloud and on-premise. E.g. Office 365, Exchange, OneDrive, File share, Google drive, Sharepoint

Identify personal sensitive data

Automatic identification where sensitive information and personal identifiable information is located across all data sources

Create, monitor and enforce data policies

Data policies help take care of your non-compliant data. Handles the data exactly the way it should. Automatic

Clean up mails and file shares

Non-compliant data is automatically moved to a secure location - or deleted. Or the toolbox can just inform you on what needs to be done.

Data is our DNA

Our focus has allways been on data. And we are good at it. We gladly help yo get in control – and stay in control with your data. Not just because the risk of you being fined – but because it is the right thing to do.

We replace difficult, tedious and overwhelming manual tasks with pure automation. Saving your time and money. And giving you a complete insight in risk and compliance across your organization and data sources. We call it Automated Data Compliance. That’s what we do best.

Data Compliance

As GDPR, CCPA and PIPEDA was announced, we started building a fantastic tool for Data Compliance. And we made it even better with input from our clients. Call it an ongoing symbiose – but the result is nevertheless a data compliance toolbox made to perfectly fit the GDPR, CCPA and PIPEDA puzzle.

By choosing us, besides getting the best Data Compliance Toolbox on the market – you also get an opportunity to be heard and affect the way Data Compliance should be handled.

We indulge our clients to share experience and ideas on how excel in data compliance. And we take care of the technical part to make this happen

Custom dictionaries

If needed our GDPR, CCPA and PIPEDA dictionaries can be supplemented with custom dictionaries relevant for your company for unique and quick identification of content

Data profiling

When data is scanned, the toolbox recognizes the relevant content and marks these with labels supplemented with a range of other metadata


Out toolbox enables custom definitions of what constitutes identifiable and inferable information, as well as other expressions that should be treated as sensitive

GDPR, CCPA and PIPEDA Categories

By utilizing a combination of taxonomies, regEx and Natural Language processing (NLP), our profiler can easily identify and pinpoint any content

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    +1 587 966 9070
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    Am Steinebrück 29, 40589 Düsseldorf
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    +49 151 59422362

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